Thursday, September 4, 2014

April 16, 2000 - 15 years old

April 16, 2000 Today was Stake Conference. It was ok. I also had a youth fireside. That was good. I talked a lot with Pat (one of my church friends). I’ve been thinking about a couple of things Alex said yesterday. The first comment that struck me is that he commented that he felt like he “experienced too much.” Which I think is a sign that he regrets what he’s doing. Another thing that sort of made me think he regrets his actions is that he kept on asking people if they’ve smoked marijuana or other bad things as if they did it too, he was less at fault. The second comment that hit me is he thought I was the type of person who’ld do drugs. I quickly explained my religious beliefs on the subject and now I’m wondering why he would think that.

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